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The Product Entrepreneur Podcast

Aug 30, 2021

Maureen Mwangi explains the core elements of any brand that draws its ideal customers, including the functional and emotional benefits, the DNA of the brand, and more. 

Ready to learn the 8 things that create a magnetic brand?  Listen to find out!

Aug 16, 2021

Maureen expresses how the things we are often afraid of are not actually that scary. Being embarrassed, falling on your face, being vulnerable…all of these things keep us from taking action.  In this episode, Maureen discusses how to face fear and overcome it.

Here are four things to remember when dealing with fear:

Aug 2, 2021

Maureen and Marketing Expert Nicole share how to use organic traffic and ads to grow your business reach, the importance of strategizing a year in advance, growing your reach during Quarters 1-3 to leverage for Quarter 4, and the challenges of entrepreneurship.


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