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The Product Entrepreneur Podcast

Apr 18, 2022

In this episode, Jennifer will share her entrepreneurship journey, and I hope you can borrow a leaf or two?

How Jennifer’s parents influenced her entrepreneurship journey

Jennifer grew up with entrepreneurial parents, and everything seemed just normal for her until the conversations they were having started changing...

Apr 11, 2022

If you’re an e-commerce, product-based entrepreneur trying to scale your business and build a successful brand, then this episode is just for you. 

Uncover the secrets that big brands use to build an obsession brand. 

So what is brand obsession? And how do you create such a brand? 

Tune in to this episode to listen to...

Apr 4, 2022

How do you know you have enough information to make a decision?  As we get to new levels of growth in our businesses, we come to a place of decision-making.  A lot of entrepreneurs struggle with this, because they don’t want to make the wrong decision!  They want to know for sure that they’ll get a return on...