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The Product Entrepreneur Podcast

Aug 16, 2023

We are in the second episode of our growth series this week! (If you missed Zero to Launch, you can find it in Episode 78!) Today, I want to ask you one simple question: Are you ready to dominate in your market?

I understand the unique challenges that your competitors bring to your business, from cheaper international dupes to local businesses undercutting your pricing. So how do you create a product that stands out from the rest and supercedes the price war to finally dominate in your market? 

Getting your product to sell like hot cakes relies on having a strong brand with raving fans. So here is how you are going to maximize your product-based business the big brand way:

Define your product’s value proposition. Ask yourself, “Why did I create my product?” Then, “What gap am I trying to fill?”

Who is your ideal customer? Focus on that ONE person - they will be your content North Star. You create marketing and messaging to speak to them. You want to identify just ONE though, not three different ideal customers. It will dilute and fragment your messaging.

Choose your product suite. Define what your customer is looking for as a starting point, and then what products will take them through the end of their journey to solve a problem. But you will focus on the starting point product to build an unforgettable message for your customers.  

Unforgettable messaging = EMOTION. What is the desire that is wrapped up in your product? Here is an exercise to consider. What do you think Louis Vuitton or Tesla sell? It isn’t a product, it’s an experience. And this experience is what makes your product unforgettable. 

Ready to build a sustainable business with strategies that will get you to your first $100k and beyond? I would like to invite you to my Product Brand Accelerator. We will work together to reach your first $100k while establishing foundations for growth. Use the link below to schedule a free strategy call and learn more!

:sparkles: FREE TRAINING:

Ready to identify the One Growth Strategy You Need to Focus on First to Increase Sales Now? Watch the most recent training: Uncap Your Growth & Bring in More Product Sales without Changing Your Branding or Packaging


Ready to revolutionize your brand by mapping and mastering the brand growth levers your brand needs to get increased visibility, sales certainty and cash confidence? Schedule a strategy call.


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